News Room

January 29, 2025


Colonie to Launch New Mass Notification System in February!

by: Kristina Handy

COLONIE, N.Y. (NEWS 10) — The town of Colonie will be implementing a new mass notification alert system, Colonie Town Supervisor Peter Crummey said on Wednesday. The new system will launch on Feb. 10.

The mass notification alert system currently being utilized by the town, called “Stay Connected,” uses only email to provide town notices and alerts. The new system will offer notifications not only through email, but also through text and voice call with the consent of the resident, the supervisor announced. Additionally, residents can also provide their street address to receive alerts focused to their specific area, such as a water main break in a particular neighborhood.

“Providing the option of bringing real time notices to our residents on many different platforms works to further expand transparency and more effectively disseminate information to our residents,” Crummey said in a press release.

The town asks residents who are currently subscribed to the Stay Connected notification system to update their preferred methods of contact for notification alerts, including their physical addresses and telephone numbers. Residents can access the new system to subscribe or update their profile through the town website.

Click on the headline to read the article at and the "access the new system to subscribe or update their profile through the town webiste" to go to the Town's Stay Connected page!



January 17, 2025


Peter Delivers His Fourth State of the Town Address!


Aggressive road restoration and water infrastructure upgrades set to continue in 2025


Town to launch expanded public notification system for improved resident communication


First-ever EV charging station marks Colonie’s commitment to environmental sustainability


COLONIE—As Town Supervisor Peter Crummey prepares to present his State of the Town address at the Century House on Friday, Jan. 17, there are a few talking points we anticipate he will share with residents as he both recaps last year’s accolades and trumpets what is to come for 2025.


Click on the title link above or on the photograph to read the full article at



October 19, 2024


Peter Receives Italian Spirit Award!


The Italian American Community Center selected Peter to receive their "Italian Spirit Award" in recognition of his 40-year career serving the Town of Colonie as its Deputy Town Attorney, Senior Colonie Town Judge, Albany County Legislator, and now Town Supervisor! Peter accepted the award at their Columbus Day Grand Gala held on October 19, 2024.




May 22, 2024


Peter Featured in Know Your Electeds at Spectrum News 1!


Know Your Electeds, a feature at Spectrum News 1, featured Peter on May 22, 2024 including a video!


From the article:


Hailing from New York's town of Colonie, Town Supervisor Peter Crummey was inspired to run for office after spending years working as a lawyer and judge. He would say his favorite part of his job is helping shape policies and create opportunities in his community.


He would say his biggest accomplishment so far is restoring over 50 miles of road within his first two years in office. His top priority for the rest of his term is to revitalize the Mohawk River area.


Click on the title link above or on Peter's photograph to watch the video and read the full article at Spectrum News 1!


April 23, 2024


Sustainability Week Kick Off!


On Friday, April 19, 2024 Town Supervisor Peter G. Crummey presented two proclamations for Sustainability Week and Arbor Day in celebration of the Town's designation as a Tree City USA for the 8th year.


The Supervisor is joined by Councilman Jeff Madden and Lauren Dryburgh of the Town's Planning Department.

March 22, 2024


Parks and Recreation New OnLine Portal!


Colonie Town Supervisor, Peter G. Crummey, announces the launch of an online citizens’ portal to access the Town of Colonie’s Park System to go live on Friday, March 22 at 9am. 


An online Parks Portal account will be needed to access all the activities and services that the Town of Colonie Parks and Recreation department has to offer, including, enrolling in activities, reserving rental spaces and athletic fields and obtaining pool passes. 


In addition, another fabulous feature with this upgrade is the key fob system for Town residents. This key fob will be used as a gate pass for parking access and a pool pass as well as utilizing it to make purchases at the pool concession stands when a credit card is linked to the account. This advanced program will make all financial transactions cashless henceforth in our Park System.


A Parks Portal account can be created online or one will be generated for you when you visit us in-person at our main Parks office at the Colonie Mohawk River Park. Once proof of residency is provided, you will be able to enjoy the discounted rates for all Town facilities and after more than 50 years, free entry at the Colonie Mohawk River Park. For more information and to register, please visit Parks and Recreation.

January 18, 2024


Peter Delivers His Third State of the Town Address Centered on Customer-Focused Government!


Town Supervisor Peter Crummey touted improvements to Colonie in his State of the Town address Thursday.


Speaking at the Century House, the second-term Republican says his administration has made progress toward modernization, while adding more work needs to be done on public safety.


“We implemented a department-wide body camera program for our officers, which further provides transparency and works to protect the members of our department. Also, we incorporated the Handle With Care registry in order to give our police officers crucial information regarding how to best to respond to registered persons with mental health challenges,” Crummey said.


Click on the title link above or on the photograph to read the full article at WAMC Northeast Public Radio!

November 15, 2023


Peter Wins Reelection!


The Town of Colonie Republicans swept town seats and the County Legislature is mixed. All of the races where there was more than one candidate were highly contested this cycle.


For town seats, Supervisor Peter Crummey  and Julie Gansle each won reelection to a new four-year term. Voters approved changing both positions to four years last year. They were both unopposed.


Crummey, however, did run a campaign and included other candidates on the Republican side of the ballot.


“I ran as if I had an opponent. Five of six times I ran for Colonie office, I ran unopposed,” he said. “You need to stay viable and it is always about and for the next time you run. And there always is a next time.”


Crummey ran campaign ads in print, radio and television as well as campaign material that all of the candidates carried while visiting doors in person.


“I believe that approach encouraged people to come out and vote,” he said. “We kept at it so citizens know we care about what goes on here. It brought to light the entire ticket.”


Click on the title link above or on the photograph to read the full article at!

October 12, 2023


Town of Colonie Proposing Tax Exemption to Boost Volunteer Firefighter Ranks


Watch Peter's Interview with WNYT on the proposal by clicking here!


With local volunteer fire departments struggling to maintain their ranks, the town of Colonie is proposing a tax cut to boost numbers.


Town Supervisor Peter Crummey says the shortage is especially clear during Fire Prevention Week.


“This local law will implement a Real Property Tax reduction of 10% of the assessed value of a firefighter’s residence in accordance with the recently adopted New York state Real Property Tax law Section 466-A,” Crummey said.



Click on the title link above or on the photograph to listen to or read the full article at WAMC!



August 3, 2023


Peter Announces Town of Colonie Performance Dashboard!


August 3, 2023 - Town Supervisor Update



I am pleased to introduce the first ever online Performance Dashboard to the Town’s website which will provide a quarterly snapshot of the progress being made in attaining key goals of my administration.


The Performance Dashboard is segmented into various categories, which include, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Safe Community, High Performing Government and Environmental Health presenting specific and measurable goals for each. This measurement tool allows our Town residents to see the level of progress achieved at each interval with focus on core issues which include public safety, enhancing infrastructure and revitalizing our park system.


The Performance Dashboard which will be updated regularly can be found at   


Click on the link above or on the photograph to view Colonie's Performance Dashboard!



June 14, 2023


Peter Inducted Into The Shaker High School Alumni Hall of Fame!


On June 14, 2023, Peter was inducted into the Shaker High School Alumni Hall of Fame!


Peter's Bio at the SHS Alumni Hall of Fame Site:


Peter Crummey
Shaker High School Class of 1974 – Inducted in 2023


Peter Crummey has served the Town of Colonie for over 40 years, and is currently the Town Supervisor. Prior to 2022, Crummey was a Town of Colonie Justice, an Albany County Legislator, a Colonie and Menands Traffic Court Prosecutor, the Town of Colonie Attorney, and the Attorney for the Colonie Zoning Board of Appeals. He has had a private law practice for 35 years.


He has also served his community throughout his tenure in public service as President of Albany County Bar Association; Delegate to NYS Bar Association’s House of Delegates; NYS Bar Association’s Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline; Association’s Special Committee on Youth Courts; Board of Trustees of Albany Law School; and President of Albany Law School’s National Alumni Association. 


Mr. Crummey has hosted Benchmark, a cable television show for the Colonie Town Library, and interviewed more than 60 jurists and attorneys involved in the justice system during on-air conversations.


Among his many leadership qualities, Mr. Crummey has  an ability to get things done as well as skill and willingness to recognize, encourage, utilize and acknowledge an individual’s abilities. 


Click on the link above or on the photograph to view his bio at SHS Alumni Hall of Fame site!



June 5, 2023


Peter Discusses Migrant Issue on Fox and Friends First!


NY town sues NYC, Albany over migrant arrivals.


Colonie Town Supervisor Peter Crummey discusses how NYC Mayor Adams sent 24 migrants to suburb.


Click on the link above or on the photograph to watch!



April 26, 2023


Labor Endorses Peter for Re-Election!


Thank you to those friends in Labor who are already supporting my Re-Election Campaign!


Laborers Local 190

IBEW Local 236

IUOE Local 158, Albany, NY

Teamsters Local 294

Greater Capital Region Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO


“It is with great pleasure that I inform you at a General Membership Meeting held on Monday, January 9, 2023, the membership of Laborers’ Local Union 190 voted unanimously to endorse in your candidacy for Colonie Town Supervisor,” Anthony Fresina, Business Manager, wrote Peter on January 20, 2023.


“On behalf of 1700 members of the IBEW Local 236 we are proud to endorse you, Peter G. Crummey in your campaign for the Town of Colonie Supervisor,” Michael Mastropietro, Business Manager & Financial Secretary, told Peter in a letter on February 6, 2023.


“It is with great pleasure that we give you the endorsement of the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters in your race for Colonie Town Supervisor,” Christopher Dugan, Business Manager, NASRCC Local 291, told Peter in a letter dated February 22, 2023.


“On behalf of the Executive Board and membership of Teamsters Local 294 members, I am pleased to inform you that we have endorsed your candidacy for re-election to the position of Colonie Supervisor,” John Bulgaro, President, informed Peter in a letter on March 6, 2023.


“On Monday February 20th, during our weekly meeting, you received the endorsement of the Greater Capital Region Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO (BTs) for your bid in Colonie Town Supervisor,” Michael Lyons, President, wrote Peter on March 7, 2023.

April 14, 2023


Peter Speaks to Siena Students on Real World Insights Into Political Communication!


Want a realistic perspective on how a political campaign is run? Just ask someone who’s been elected.


To give his students the inside track on running for public office and, more importantly, serving constituents once you’re elected, Taewoo Kang, Ph.D., assistant professor of political communication, recently welcomed Town of Colonie Supervisor Peter Crummey to speak to his Introduction to Political Communication class. 

Siena is located within the Town of Colonie (their offices are located right across Route 9 from campus) and works regularly with the town on matters of permitting, public safety, taxation and infrastructure. Crummey spoke about his decades of public service as a Colonie town judge and court administrator, and his campaign for town supervisor. He was sworn in to that office in January 2022. 


“I was thrilled to address and interact with the vibrant Siena students in Dr. Kang’s class,” said Crummey. “Good elected officials are often skilled orators, but not all are skilled listeners.  To truly understand and connect with voters, and ultimately constituents, it is best to be both.  Hopefully, our classroom discussion will inspire some of Dr. Kang’s students to consider a future in public service.”


Click on the picture or link above to check out the entire article.

April 13, 2023





Colonie Town Supervisor Peter G. Crummey is pleased to announce the start of the 2023 Golf Season at the Town of Colonie Golf Course.  The course will open Friday, April 14 at 12:00pm including 18 holes and the driving range.  The remaining 18 holes will be opened soon thereafter.


Supervisor Crummey stated, “I am looking forward to another successful season at our Town Golf Course.  We have many upgrades to the Golf Course over the past year and I thank Councilman Jeff Madden, the entire Town Board, the Golf Course Advisory Committee and staff for their dedication and assistance.  We will continue to strive for excellence with further improvements.”


The Supervisor notes, that new to the golf course this season are 2023 Club Car Tempo golf carts with on board GPS capacity which, among other things, provides golfers hole by hole distance readings while playing and assists golfers in maintaining correct pathways for operation. Also, we have installed a driving range ball dispenser providing golfers the opportunity to readily access balls and the option to pay for range balls at the machine or in the golf shop.


The Town of Colonie Golf Course is the home site of NENY PGA. Our initial 18 holes were designed in 1969 by William Mitchell, a renowned architect. He created a course with large greens and fairway bunkering. An additional 9 holes were designed by Robert Trent Jones, which opened in 1982 and included multi leveled greens.  In 1998, the last nine                  
were opened, developed by Richard Jacobsen who had worked for the Jack Nicklaus course design company.          


Tee times can be made online or by phone for Friday and/or the for upcoming weekend beginning Friday at 7:30AM.   Driving range hours are 8AM – 6PM.

April 6, 2023




As you may now, I am seeing Re-election as Colonie Town Supervisor. Over the past fifteen months, I have worked with the citizens of Colonie and Town staff to build a better Colonie. We have focused on improving our public safety, roads and infrastructure, parks and recreation and enhancing citizen engagement through improved technology, as well as many other initiatives. I wish to thank all those who have contributed to our efforts to build a better Colonie and I ask for your vote on November 7, 2023, to continue the work we have begun.

March 30, 2023


Introducing A Stormwater Management Webpage!




Continuing my commitment to enhance technology to improve citizen engagement with Town services I am pleased to announce that our Stormwater Management Office now has a webpage on our Town website. Stormwater Management ensures compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations governing the management of stormwater in the Town of Colonie. This is another great asset to our Town website to keep all residents aware of their important work. 


Click on the Town Supervisor update banner or link above to check out the new webpage!

Janurary 18, 2023


Listen or Read About Peter's Second State of the Town Address!


Colonie Supervisor Peter Crummey focusing on infrastructure and government services as he seeks re-election


Colonie Supervisor Peter Crummey delivered his State of the Town address in Latham Wednesday. The Republican took office in 2022, and after voter approval last year of a measure extending the position’s term, is running for a four-year term this November.


Click on the picture or link above to check out the entire WAMC article!

December 29, 2022




Supervisor Peter Crummey is happy to announce that after nearly 20 years, Ice Skating returns to the Town's Pocket Park Network. For residents who want to make ice skating a part of their winter memories, the West Albany Pocket Park is hosting an ice-skating rink. 


Skating at the park will be daily until dusk and is dependent on the ice and weather conditions. Supervisor Crummey stated, “I would like to re-introduce outdoor ice skating in our parks and this venue is a great opportunity to bring families and the community together.” We hope you will visit us at the West Albany Pocket Park and create some great traditions with your family and friends.


The West Albany Pocket Park is located on the corner of Braintree and Newton Streets and provides plenty of parking. Pocket Park parking is also available off of Exchange Street.

November 17, 2022




Supervisor Peter Crummey is ecstatic to unveil the newly renovated courts at Kiwanis Park. The park is now the home of two basketball courts and two pickleball courts. Supervisor Crummey stated, “Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States and we are responding to the increase in local interest. I will continue our commitment to the recreational interests of our community.”

Due to its popularity, the demand to play often exceeds available court space in the Capital Region. Kiwanis Park is the first Town park to be renovated and will be followed next year by new pickleball and tennis courts at the Mohawk River Park on Schermerhorn Road. 


Kiwanis Park is located on Rt. 2, east of the Latham Traffic Circle on 1st Avenue in Latham.

September 20, 2022


Latham Water District Residents Online Opportunity


Our new convenient online bill pay service allows you to pay your water bill online safely and securely.  Make a payment online, by phone, or by text with credit/debit card or e-check.


As promised, we are pleased to introduce this electronic payment convenience as an option to Town residents.


Peter G. Crummey, Colonie Town Supervisor.


To pay online, please visit:

July 30, 2022


Colonie Passes Local Law Meant to Improve Cell Phone Service


The Colonie Town Board recently passed a local law meant to improve cell phone service in the Capital Region’s largest suburb, in Albany County. The law provides a process by which wireless carriers may apply for permits to add cell nodes to existing poles and structures. WAMC’s Jim Levulis spoke with Republican Town Supervisor Peter Crummey about why the measure was needed.


Click on WAMC logo or link above to check out the entire WAMC article!

July 8, 2022

Supervisor Crummey Highlights Neighborhood Beautification - Chippendale Court


“Across the Town of Colonie, we are fortunate to have residents who love their community enough to use their own time and resources to improve their neighborhoods. Homeowners on Chippendale Court in Latham have recently taken the initiative to beautify the island on their cul-de-sac. With updated landscaping and the removal of overgrown brush and weeds, the reimagined circle is a prime example of how community care and a common goal can have a dramatic and positive impact on our neighborhoods. I enjoyed my visit there today at the request of the neighborhood and I thank them for their efforts,” said Colonie Town Supervisor Peter G. Crummey.


Listen or Read About Peter's First State of the Town Address!


Colonie Town Supervisor Peter Crummey delivered his first State of the Town address Wednesday. 


Crummey, elected in November, stepped into his role as Supervisor in January after more than 40 years in town government, including 21 as a senior Colonie Town Judge and Court Administrator. 


The Republican won November’s election to succeed retiring Democratic Supervisor Paula Mahan, who served for 14 years. He remarked on the service of past supervisors of both parties.


Click on the picture or link above to check out the entire WAMC article!

Listen or Read About Peter's Plans As Supervisor!


Among local government leadership changes with the new year, Peter Crummey is taking over as Colonie town supervisor. The Republican replaces Democrat Paula Mahan as the leader of the Capital Region’s largest suburb. Mahan, in office since 2008, did not seek reelection. Crummey, a town judge who stepped down to run for supervisor, beat Democrat Kelly Mateja in November. Crummey spoke with WAMC’s Jim Levulis on Friday, ahead of his swearing-in New Year’s Day 2022.


Click on the WAMC logo or link above to check out entire WAMC intereview!

CSEA Members Work To Elect Labor Endorsed-Candidates


Thankful for the CSEA Capital Region 4 members who worked hard on my behalf!


In the Capital Region, CSEA members worked hard to successfully elect Peter Crummey as the next Town of Colonie Supervisor. CSEA has had a long relationship with Crummey since his time as a county legislator and town judge.


Click on the photograph or link above to check out entire CSEA Local 1000 article.

Peter Crummey speaks to young people just after retaking Colonie town supervisor post for GOP


In his first event since Election Day, incoming Republican Colonie town supervisor Peter Crummey spoke Thursday with a group of young students. First, he sat down with WAMC’s Capital Region Bureau Chief Dave Lucas.


Click on the photograph or link above to view a full copy of the article and listen to the interview at WAMC.

Read About Peter's Victory in the Supervisor's Race!


COLONIE — Former Judge Peter Crummey coasted to victory on Election Day and it appears Republicans will have the majority of the Town Board as well.


Crummey overcame a huge enrollment disadvantage — 23,775 to 14,732 with about 20,000 not registered in any party — to beat Kelly Mateja, a Democrat making her first run at public office.


The unofficial count according to the Albany County Board of Elections is 11,590 to 8,587, a spread outside the reach of more than 2,200 absentee ballots still left to be counted.


Click on the photograph or link above to view a full copy of the article at

Read Retired Colonie Police Chief Jon Teale's Letter Supporting Peter!


The Town of Colonie is a large suburban community with many complex issues. An effective town supervisor must have proven, varied experience, and a demonstrated ability to work with others. Peter Crummey has shown a commitment to public service and has over 40 years of experience in a variety of capacities, and proven record of working with others.


Click on the photograph or link above to view a full copy of the letter at

Albany County Deputy Sheriff's Union Endorses Peter!


Today, September 8, 2021, our campaign received the endorsement from the Albany County Deputy Sheriff’s Union! I am humbled by this support from these brave and dedicated men and women in law enforcement.


Click on the link above to see the endorsement!

Teamsters Local 294 Endorse Peter!


Fabulous endorsement today, September 1, 2021, from the brave and hard working men and women of Teamsters Local 294!


Click on the link above to see the endorsement!

CSEA Capital Region 4 Endorses Peter!


Exciting endorsement today, August 31, 2021, from CSEA Capital Region 4, the time honored Union representing many of our hard working Town Employees.


Click on the link above to see the endorsement!

Police Benevolent Association of New York State Troopers Endorse Peter!


The brave men and women of our New York State Troopers know how important it is to have the right individual serving in elected leadership positions. I am humbled to have received their endorsement. I have had extensive experience interacting with our State Police for over four(4)decades as an attorney for the Village of Menands and Town of Colonie and, also, most recently, as Colonie Town Judge for twenty-one (21) years. I am pleased that Troop G continues to make its home in our Town.


Click on the link above to see the endorsement!

Peter Participates in Coin Toss at Albany Empire football game with Colonie Veterans For Military Appreciation Night


Honored to participate in the coin toss with Colonie Veterans for Military Appreciation Night during our Albany Empire football game at the Times Union Center.


Click on the play button or video at left to view or click on the link to view video at Peter's Facebook page!

Peter Crummey for Colonie Town Supervisor Merchandise Now Available!


Order campaign T-shirts or hats and proceeds from each order directly supports the campaign!


Click on the photograph or link above to order Peter Crummey for Colonie Town Supervisor merchandise!

Peter Discusses His Position on Stony Creek Reservoir

...As you know, the Stony Creek Reservoir is situated in the Town of Clifton Park and was long ago purchased by our town and established as our reservoir in 1953.  This purchase of land, and the water it contains, was accomplished under the leadership and foresight of longtime Colonie town Republican supervisor, William K. Sanford, for the purpose of providing an additional source of water for our town.


...Further, I am unaware of any candidate, seeking town election this year, proposing to sell our town's reservoir.  The reservoir remains a valuable asset to our town and should remain as such.


Click on the photograph or link above to read the full Letter to the Editor that appeared in The Spotlight.

Peter Read The Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2021

...we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” For the past 17 years, I have had the honor of publicly reading our Declaration of Independence at the request of the Greater Loudonville Association and was pleased to do so again this year.  


Click on the photograph or link above to watch Peter reading the Declaration on a previous 4th of July.

Police Officers Endorse Peter Crummey.

My name is Tom McLaughlin and I am a retired Colonie Police Officer, member and past president of the Colonie Polcie Benevolent Association.  I, along with my fellow past presidents and brothers in blue, want to show our suport and endorse Peter G. Crummey for Colonie Town Supervisor.  


Click on the photograph or link above to view a full copy of the letter at


Peter Crummey Unanimously Endorsed By Capital Region Building and Construction Trades Council and Laborers Local 190 Comprising 14 Labor Unions

Peter Announces His Unanimous Endorsement from the Capital Region Building and Construction Trades Council and Laborers Local 190.


Click on the photograph or link above to read the press release.

Crummey Would Offer Discounts to Volunteers Covers Peter's Support for First Responders.


Click on the link above to read the article at

Crummey Proposes First-Time-Ever Discounts, Other Initiatives To Support Colonie's Volunteer First Responders

Peter Proposes Discounts At Town Facilities, Other Initiatives To Support Colonie's Volunteer First Responders.


Click on the photograph or link above to read the press release.

Town of Colonie Republicans announce candidates for this year’s elections

News 10 Reports on Peter's selection to seek the office of Town of Colonie Supervisor.

Judge Peter G. Crummey Is Running for Colonie Supervisor

Peter announces his run for Town of Colonie Supervisor.


Albany Law Legacy Family Program

Albany Law School recognizes Peter's Family.


2019 Re-election Radio Ad

Listen to the Judge Crummey Campaign Radio Ad.


Timesunion - Your Best Shot

A family tradition.


Timesunion - Student Achievers

Local college student sits with Judge Crummey.


117th Annual Albany County Bar Association NYS Court of Appeals Dinner

Albany Law School Alumni Spotlight on Judge Crummey

On February 7, 2018, Peter was presented with The President’s Award at the 117th Annual Albany County Bar Association NYS Court of Appeals Dinner. More than 400 were in attendance at the event held at the Convention Center of the Empire State Plaza.


Reading of Declaration of Independence in Loudonville

Peter delivers his 13th Annual reading of our Declaration of Independence.


Press Release

Judge Crummey receives endorsements from Leaders of the seven counties comprising the Third Judicial District.


Times Union

GOP leaders endorse Judge Crummey for State Supreme Court justice.


Around Tech Valley

Announcement on Judge Crummey's appointment to the New York State Bar Association's Committee on Procedures for Judicial Discipline.


Declaration of Independence reading in Loudonville

Peter reads the Declaration of Independence in Loudonville.


2015 Election Results

Judge Crummey elected to a 5th term as Colonie Town Justice.


Meet a Member Interview

The Capital District Women’s Bar Association, A Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York, Spring 2015 Newsletter, Meet a Member interview with Peter.


2015 Re-election Reception Video

See and hear what E. Stewart Jones, Esq said about Peter and what Peter said to supporters.


Annual Veterans Memorial Day Address Video

See and hear Peter address Town of Colonie Veterans during the Judge's Annual Memorial Day address.


The Crummey Bakery on

Albany Law School - The Crummey Bakery and 3 generations of Graduates.


2015 Re-election Radio Ad

Listen to the Judge Crummey Campaign Radio Ad.


2015 Endorsement Article on

2015 CSEA Press Release

Civil Service Employees Association endorses Judge Peter Crummey.